‘You need to finish your food. You need the energy.’
Now am sure we've all heard this phrase more than a million times especially when eating was, well, the last thing on our minds. Like when you are in the middle of a game of snakes and ladders and you were well on your way to winning. So what was the fuss all about? I mean we can eat anything and at any time? I’ll still be ok? Right?

Sufficient energy is important for good health. Energy is needed by the body to carry out activities.
Muscle movement, breathing, healthy heartbeats and even thinking need energy. When these body
functions are doing well we are able to carry out chores, duties, daily activities and exercise well. This promotes proper growth and development.

The main source of energy for the body is carbohydrates. The body can also get energy from fats and
proteins. The Red blood cells utilize glucose only. The brain and nerve cells rely primarily on glucose. Fat is used when we are resting or doing low-intensity activities like sitting. The Red blood cells and brain cells will still use glucose when we are at rest. Proteins are used when carbohydrates and fats are not enough to give energy like during long periods of starvation. So where is the challenge when I have Sickle Cell Anemia?

In Sickle cell anaemia, there is insufficient energy for the body to work well. A lot more energy is used to carry out the same activities as everyone else. One of the major reasons is poor appetite. A poor appetite will make us not eat enough food to give us energy. The glucose we get is not used efficiently by the cells. The hemoglobin which is already too little will be bound to the free glucose in the blood. As a result of this, the hemoglobin will package and carry little oxygen for us to use. Low energy makes it difficult for the red blood cells to have healthy membranes. The membrane becomes rigid and breaks down fast. Finally, the body organs are overworked and organ-specific disease like kidney disease can develop. Is there a way to make sure I have enough energy?

Taking good care of ourselves involves making wise food choices. The one thing we need to maintain is steady supply energy for the body. This way we can fuel our daily activities efficiently and carry them out with ease. And how can I do this?

 Eat whole grain foods with a low glycemic load. Unlike refined white and overcooked foods, Wholegrain foods provide us with sufficient energy through the day. They do this by slowly releasing glucose into our body system.  This way, the blood glucose level rises steadily but slowly. The body can utilize the glucose efficiently as the system is not overloaded.

 Have a high calorie-nutrient dense diet. This can be achieved by eating carbohydrate foods with
low glycemic load with protein. For example, we can have chicken with brown basmati rice or
scrambled eggs and whole grain rye bread. High fibre meals like brown rice with beans also
lower the glycemic load. Use vegetable oils like olive oil and sesame oil that have beneficial fatty
acids that prevent heart disease.

 Vegetables. Dark green leafy and root vegetables should be part of our diet. They can be eaten
raw or cooked with five servings per day being good enough. Dark leafy vegetables provide
micronutrients that help us utilize glucose. Root vegetables like cassava and sweet potato provide us with glucose. Vegetables provide us with fibre that slows digestion of carbohydrates.

 Fruits. Three or more servings of fruit daily will contribute to our energy needs. Fresh fruits and
fresh fruit juice are better sources than canned or dried fruits. They keep our tummies filled for longer. Diluted fruit juices and dried fruits should be eaten less frequently and in small

 Healthy habits and Sugar alternatives. Foods with refined sugar like ice cream provide us with a
burst on energy and soon we are left with cravings for more sugar and bouts of hunger. Avoid caffeinated drinks like tea and energy drinks as they have a similar effect. We can have fruit
instead of desert and also add some to breakfast cereal to sweeten it. Fruits, nuts and seeds are
healthier snacks. You can have untreated honey instead of sugar. Heat treated sugar has a fast
releasing sugar like glucose that we want to avoid.

 Meal Portions. It is better to take little and often meals than ‘gorge’ on large and greatly spaced
meals. This caters for the needs of a poor appetite. It encourages us to eat just what we can at a
time but also get energy. The body also breaks down the carbohydrates little by little so it is not
over worked.

 Exercise. Sweat inducing exercise like biking are recommended. The sweat is the body’s way of
removing waste products from the activities it does. This will ensure that major body fluids have an alkaline pH conducive for energy extraction.

Well guys, I am sure we will be getting the most of our days with all the energy in the room!! Till
then Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!! Water is Life!!

N.B: Kindly consult the Food Pyramid and Food Composition table for the food servings.

Love Life!


1 comment:

  1. Staying energetic whole day is really difficult but thanks to my natural Green energy drinks which really help me to stay fit and keep up with my hectic daily routine. The best is that they are organic and thus no side effects.
